is located at 79, Obafemi Awolowo Road, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria has Annexes at Foursquare Gospel Church, Area 7, Garki, Abuja and Foursquare Gospel Church, Aba with Summer Centres throughout Nigeria Classroom block Library Missionary House Our MissionLIFE Theological Seminary is sponsored by Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria with the support of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. The Seminary is committed to the training of Christian Leaders regardless of denominational background for the propagation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. One stinctiveness of Christian higher education is the pursuit of a community that follows the example of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible. LIFE Theological Seminary is committed to creating the kind of environment, which will develop the whole person. We seek to foster a quality of life that will stimulate individuals to develop intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. The Seminary believes the very need to equip men and women for the end-time harvest. Therefore, in LIFE we say, “Whom (Jesus Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:” (Col 1:28). Seminary Profile LIFE Theological Seminary believes the Bible is the Word of God and has final authority on moral ethical and religious issues. See the Doctrinal Statements for details. To know more about the History of the Seminary, see the Seminary History. See programmes for the Course Programmes offered by the Seminary for the latest news on the Seminary clik News Contact Information
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